The Christian Life –Week 3
The Intrinsic Significance and Revelation
of the Compound Ointment
as the Holy Anointing Oil—
a Full Type of the Compound, All-inclusive Spirit
of the Processed Triune God
Related Verses
Psa. 133:1-3
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell in unity!
2 It is like the fine oil upon the head That ran down upon the beard, Upon Aaron’s beard, That ran down upon the hem of his garments;
3 Like the dew of Hermon That came down upon the mountains of Zion. For there Jehovah commanded the blessing: Life forever.
1 Cor. 12:4-11
4 But there are distinctions of gifts, but the same Spirit;
5 And there are distinctions of ministries, yet the same Lord;
6 And there are distinctions of operations, but the same God, who operates all things in all.
7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for what is profitable.
8 For to one through the Spirit a word of wisdom is given, and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit;
9 To a different one faith in the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing in the one Spirit,
10 And to another operations of works of power, and to another prophecy, and to another discerning of spirits; to a different one various kinds of tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues.
11 But the one and the same Spirit operates all these things, distributing to each one respectively even as He purposes.
Related Reading
As believers, we have been anointed with the compound ointment, with the all-inclusive Spirit. Psalm 133:2 describes how the anointing oil flowed down from Aaron’s head to his beard and then to the skirts, the hem, of his garments. This signifies that the whole Body is anointed with the Spirit. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 1691)
Real oneness is the mingling of the processed God with the believers…The way to practice this mingling is in Psalm 133. The ointment, the fine oil, in verse 2 is a type of the processed Triune God who today is the all-inclusive compound Spirit. (CWWL, 1979, vol. 2, “The Genuine Ground of Oneness,” p. 297)
As the compound Spirit anoints us, He “paints” us, and the “paint” is the very Triune God. In this paint we have the humanity of Christ, the effectiveness of Christ’s death, and the power of Christ’s resurrection. We also have Christ’s divinity and human living. As all these ingredients of the ointment are applied to us, we are painted with the processed Triune God and with all the elements in the compound ointment. The proper church life is a life in the oneness that is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the believers…The more we are painted in this way, the more our natural constitution, temperament, and disposition are eliminated. What remains is the mingling of the processed Triune God with our uplifted humanity. This is the oneness.
In the church the dissenting element and divisive factors are subdued. This is the effect of oneness. The more the paint of the processed Triune God is applied to our being, the more difficult it is for us to be divided. Through the application of the heavenly paint, we are brought into the genuine oneness, not the superficial oneness that is according to the natural concept. We are in the oneness that is the processed Triune God painted into our very being.
The ground of oneness is simply the processed Triune God applied to our being…We are not in a oneness produced by adding together those who believe in Christ. In that kind of oneness it is just as easy to have subtraction as it is to have addition. However, once we have been brought into the oneness produced by the application of the processed Triune God to our being, it is very difficult to have any subtraction…The oneness in Christianity involves addition and subtraction. But the oneness in the churches in the Lord’s recovery involves the application of the Triune God to our inward being.
The ointment is not for individuals; it is for the Body…According to the picture in Psalm 133, the ointment is upon the head. Then it spreads to the beard and goes down to the hem of the garment. This indicates that if we are individualistic, we cannot experience the ointment. Some may argue that they can contact the Lord alone at home. No doubt they can. The crucial matter, however, is whether or not we are one with the church. If we are one with the church, then we can properly contact the Lord alone at home…The reason is that the anointing oil is not for individualistic members; it is for the Head and the Body, even for the Head with the Body. Hence, to be painted by the ointment, we must be in the church. Then we spontaneously enjoy the application of the anointing oil with all its elements. How marvelous is the oneness produced by the application of this ointment! (CWWL, 1979, vol. 2, “The Genuine Ground of Oneness,” pp. 297-299)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1979, vol. 2, “The Genuine Ground of Oneness,” ch. 6
Further Reading:
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 157
Hymn: #242
1 The Spirit of God today
The Spirit of Jesus is,
The God-man who died and rose,
Ascending to glory His.
2 ’Tis from such a Jesus came
The Spirit of Jesus to us,
To make His reality
Experience unto us.
3 The Spirit of Jesus has
All elements human, divine,
The living of man in Him
And glory of God combine.
4 The suff’ring of human life,
Effectiveness of His death,
His rising and reigning too
Are all in the Spirit’s breath.
5 With all these components true
His Spirit in us doth move,
And by His anointing full
The riches of Christ we prove.
6 This Spirit of Jesus doth
Encompass both great and small;
Inclusively He doth work
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