1. The semiannual training in Anaheim being carried out this week and the local video trainings–The general subject is Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1); let us pray for the Lord’s anointing on the speaking of the messages, the speaking brothers, the health, travel and protection of all the saints, and the services supporting the training, particularly the audio and visual service, both in Anaheim and in all of the localities carrying out a video training
2. Thanksgiving to the Lord for blessing the church in NYC with so many older saints and prayer for their health, their participation in and enjoyment of the church life and that each one will function in the Body to their full capacity
3. The strengthening of the church life throughout the coming months and all the summer activities:
a. The College Training (July 12-16 at Camp Penuel)
b. The Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training (July 19-23 in Cerritos, CA and July 24-28 at Camp Penuel)
c. The Summer School of Truth (July 28-August 4 for high schoolers and August 4-8 for middle schoolers at Camp Penuel)
d. The Family Bible Camp (August 15-17 at Camp Penuel)
4. Gospel outreach and Bible distribution at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris–Distribution during the Torch Relay began on May 6 and will continue until July 17; after this, distribution will take place in French-speaking Europe during the Olympic and Paralympic Games until September 9; please pray:
a. That the existing churches in French-speaking Europe will be strengthened by the gospel teams
b. That the Lord will gain local French speakers along with their families for the church life
c. That the Lord will raise up new lampstands in Marseilles, Toulouse, Montpellier, Caen, Nantes, Lille, Mertzig (Luxembourg), and Geneva (Switzerland)
d. That by summer 2025 there will be a team of 20 full-time serving ones in Paris to take care of the Lord’s needs throughout France
e. That many students, families, and mature saints will migrate to France within the next couple of years for the Lord’s interest
5. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)