Level 1—Hebrews Sequential Reading
Scripture Reading and Copying: Heb. 12:1-10
Assigned Reading: Life-study of Hebrews, msg(s). 58-60
Level 2—Hebrews Topical Study
Crucial Point: Put Away Every Encumbrance and the Sin and Run The Race
Scripture:Heb. 12:1
Assigned Reading: Life-study of Hebrews, msgs. 50
Supplemental Reading: CWWL, 1965, vol. 1, “Study on Hebrews,” ch. 6; CWWN, vol. 17, “Notes on Scriptural Messages (1),” Running the Race that is Set Before Us
- Describe the picture portrayed in Heb. 12:1 with respect to the race.
- Why does Heb. 12:1 refer to “the sin,” rather than “your sins,” in running the race?
- What encumbrances have the Lord shown you to be present in your life?
- Why do we need to realize that we have “so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us” to run the race with endurance?
Accessing the Materials
- The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is available for free on text.recoveryversion.bible
- Life-study messages are available for free on ministrybooks.org
- Materials not available for free on ministrybooks.org need to be purchased separately
- Hymns are available on hymnal.net